Saturday, October 08, 2011

Email Subject Title Post for Auto Content

There were complaints at one of the comments my article titled : Make Auto Content on Blogger, which is about the title of the article is sent in the form feeds. This allows duplicate content and also less the maximum auto content blog in search engines. For feed owners, in fact we can set it to appear on the email subject shipment to customers in the form of the latest post title and not the title of the feed.

Well, how very easy:

- Login to: with your google account.

- Go into the Publicize tab

- Select the Email Subscriptions and select the sub menu Email Branding

- In the Email Subject / Title latestItemTitle fill in the ${latestItemTitle} - I-RAKA.COM ( I-RAKA.COM please replace with the name of your blog).

AND ....
Auto Content by subscribing via email as this will greatly benefit both parties.

  • The blog owner can AutoContent automatically update any time, and has the title of the article directly as well as when writing the post itself (not the title of the feed) so as to bersing in search engines.
  • The owner of the original article will get a link back within the article.

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